Sunday 18 August 2013

James Bond Island

I also booked another trip to go to Kao Ping Island, although now a days it's called James Bond Island because they filmed a scene there out of The Man With The Golden Gun.

It was a bit of an anti climax to be honest, all the locals seem to hyp it up and rave about it, but it wasn't really anything special! At least I can say I've been there now though.

It was a good day out though, and we saw lots of other islands and stuff on the way.

So we set off from the pier in this boat:

Not log after we set off the boat stopped by a little island.

The guys on the boat started throwing kayaks out the back!

And then we were all partnered off with a tour guide, jumped in a kayak, and off we went into some caves!

This is my tour guide for the day, Manott was his name I think:

The entrances to the caves were really narrow and low, so we had to lie down in the kayaks as we passed through them!

Because of all the moisture in the caves my camera misted over on the inside of the lens :( It's ok now but it meant that most of the pictures I took were cloudy :(

Here's the entrance to the first cave:

As we went through we could see (only just as it was dark) all the stalagmites and stalactites in the cave.

And then we came out into a clearing that is a vast open space inside the rock itself!

As we were paddling along, my guide spotted a monkey in the tress up above!

And then he pointed out some unusual shaped rocks and things.

We then headed back to the boat and drove to another rock formation that was similar to the pervious one, and again we headed off out in the kayaks to explore the inside of it:

We got back on the boat again and set off to James Bond Island!

We approached the island from the back and had to get the kayaks in to shore because the water is shallow.

There's a small footpath that leads round to the bit where the filming took place for James Bond, this is apparently it:

I tried to get my picture taken in front of the famous rock formation, but because the of the sun and the moisture on the camera lens they didn't turn out very well :(

This was taken just after we left James Bond Island.

We then had some lunch on the boat, and headed to another island with a beach on it, where we kayaked to again and spent an hour relaxing on the beach!

On the way back there were lots of rock formations, some of them really interesting shapes!

And this was my day out at James Bond Island!

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